Teresa Sasnett
A native Californian, I love the diversity of our beautiful State. My father moved to Tehachapi almost 40 years ago, on one visit he took me on his Harley for a tour and brought me to Stallion Springs, I immediately fell in love with the community and moved to Stallion Springs 17 years ago. Our community has so much to offer, I love the way we wave and greet each other with a smile whether walking down the street or driving by. Our community is warm and welcoming, and there are so many who care and are willing to work together it became very important to me to be involved.
My background is in project management, I hold a Master’s Degree in Organizational Development and have led numerous large projects for several firms all over the United States, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Spain over the last 20 years. I have served as President of South Coast Metro Rotary, served with Women of Vision, and also currently serve as a board member for a small mobile home park in L.A. County. Prior to my current position in project management, I was a Real Estate agent and sold property from San Diego to Sacramento, both residential and commercial properties. (I still hold an active Real Estate license).
One of my favorite parts about living in Stallion Springs is being able to open the gate in my backyard and ride my horse or go for a hike where I am likely to spy deer, elk or look up to see hawks riding the thermoclines, sharing our neighborhood with wildlife is a privilege I do not take for granted. My hobbies are swimming biking and running, so I have likely waved to everyone here as I run or bike around our community.
It is an honor to serve on our board and I hope to continue working with everyone to not only protect and preserve but also improve our community for years to come.